Save 5-10 hours per week by doing this

In under 2 minutes you'll learn how to buy back 5-10 hours per week by hiring a virtual assistant

Why I love virtual assistants (VAs):

• They’re inexpensive ($5-12/hour)

• They work hard and don’t complain

• They’re capable of any task as long as you train them properly

Here are 3 tasks that I hand off to my virtual assistants to get back 5-10 hours per week.

(If you'd rather see this in video form, click here for my video on how to better leverage your VAs)

1) Seller Central management

Seller Central management is important but not urgent (usually).

Things like:

• Requesting negative feedback removal

• Adding products to our Catch All Auto PPC campaign

• Monitoring account health

And more.

2) Email management

I used to spend 1+ hour per day managing email.

Then I realized that less than 5% of my emails were important.

So I hired a virtual assistant for $6/hour to handle email for me.

She sorts my emails into 2 buckets:

Needs Action: emails that I personally need to take action on

Reference: emails that I need to see but don’t need to take action on

Everything else gets handled by her or deleted.

3) Vetting new suppliers

I've developed a simple 3-step criteria for vetting suppliers:

1) They must carry brand name products that already sell well on Amazon

2) They must be primarily B2B

3) They must sell to retailers

Simply hand this list to your VA and let them go to work finding suppliers in your niche that meet these criteria.

PS: If you want my direct help with finding, hiring, and training rockstar virtual assistants for your Amazon biz then click here to apply for my private Wholesale Network community.

Corey Ganim

Join 5.3K+ readers of The Amazon Wholesale newsletter for exclusive tips, strategies, and resources to start, scale, & manage your Amazon wholesale business.

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