the 5 pillars of Amazon wholesale

In under 2 minutes you'll learn the 5 pillars of Amazon wholesale (and how they can help you scale to 6+ figures)

The 5 Pillars of Amazon Wholesale:

This framework sums up the entire wholesale business model.

I'm so passionate about this topic I even wrote a book about it.

Master these Pillars and you can scale beyond your wildest dreams.

Pillar 1) Finding suppliers

The quality of your suppliers will make or break your business.

It only takes a small amount of quality supplier relationships to support a large wholesale business.

I break down exactly how I find great suppliers in this video.

Pillar 2) Contacting suppliers

How you present yourself to potential suppliers makes all the difference.

Strong positioning (even if you're a new seller) can help you land some great accounts.

Watch this video if you want to see me make a live cold call to a brand (showing you exactly what to say).

Pillar 3) Sourcing products

Sourcing is where you make your money.

I set a goal for the monthly profit I want to make and I only buy a product if it hits my target.

For example: I only buy products that look like they'll make me $250/mo in profit.

Pillar 4) Shipping & logistics

Optimizing your shipping can add thousands (or more) to your bottom line.

Do things like:

  • ship FTL whenever possible
  • use 2D barcodes to speed up the receiving process (via Boxem)
  • use freight brokers to find the best rates

In this video I show the easiest and quickest way to ship to FBA in 2024.

Pillar 5) Leveraging virtual talent to scale

$5/hour virtual assistants changed my life.

They're extremely competent and you can outsource much of the business to them.

Here's a 26 minute breakdown of exactly how I find and hire top tier virtual assistants for $5/hour.

The book:

If you want a deep dive into the 5 Pillars I wrote an entire book about them.

You can grab a copy on Amazon (of course).

PS: We recently hit 500 copies sold. Shoutout to everyone who has grabbed the book and left a review on Amazon!

Corey Ganim

Join 5.3K+ readers of The Amazon Wholesale newsletter for exclusive tips, strategies, and resources to start, scale, & manage your Amazon wholesale business.

Read more from Corey Ganim
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